our globe; on the other side

basic - beautiful - black n white

spotify: som jag hade dig förut - lars winnerbäck och melissa horn
Blue colors and white sheets;

spotify: coldplay - shiver
sk8er boys

american shoes and swedish ocean

spotify: Suzanna Vega - Luka
HH - hansastadt hamburg

För fet för ett fuck är jag efter denna helgen, men nöjd är jag och med handen på hjärtat; Hamburg är en stad som jag ser fram emot att besöka varje gång familjen åker dit. Men att gå på en tysk konfirmation har ju sina nackdelar när man inte förstår många ord tyska...
your wild wild heart

spotifysökning: 90-talsklassiker (savage garden - crash and burn)
When you feel all alone and the world has turned its back on you give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I LOVE COLOR, don't you?

spotifysökning: Imogen heap - goodnight and go
Don't you want to get out of cape cod tonight?

spotirfysökning: Vampire Weekend - Walcott
Don't let the people make you think

Don't let the silence get you down. Though you've been sitting here for hours. Hoping a voice could soon be found that speaks much louder than this music. If they're your friends they'll share your vision and as the phone rings break the silence they don't figure out that you don't want to answer. Don't let the people make you think that just because you're young you're useless. You know it's not naive to think that you can change the things around and that no man is an island.
sporitfysökning: Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly - once more with feeling
dead meat